Commonly Asked Questions
1. In contrast to other types of healthcare products exclusively formulated for females, what are the distinctive features or advantages of LD~VENUS? LD~VENUS is formulated using purely natural herbs. It has been pharmacologically and clinically proven to be helpful in enriching the blood, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, and preventing the onset of postpartum disorders. Furthermore, this exceptional formulation is safe for long-term consumption without any known side effect. 2. Are regulatory reactions expected in the course of consuming LD~VENUS? How long will the regulatory reactions last, if any? Yes, some regulatory reactions are expected when consuming LD~VENUS, but the extent of which differs from one individual to another. For females with a weak physical constitution, the consumption of LD~VENUS will increase body temperature, which will subside in several days by drinking honey and R.O. water. Those suffering from menstrual pain may feel even more painful, which will however diminish with continual consumption. With the consumption of LD~VENUS, there is not usually any cause for alarm if blood clots are expelled during menstruation. 3. After a course with the attainment of satisfactory results, do I still need to continue with the consumption? You are encouraged to continue with the consumption for the purpose of constant nourishment after each menstrual cycle, enriching the blood, and preserving optimal health. 4. Is LD~VENUS suitable for consumption on a long-term basis? LD~VENUS is absolute good for consumption on a long-term basis. This will not only help restore vitality and enrich the blood, but also contribute to fortifying immune defense as well as attaining facial radiance and rosy complexion. 5. Is there any area needed special attention during the consumption of LD~VENUS? No. For better results, it is recommended that you consume LD~VENUS before having meals and, as for those with sensitive stomach, after meals. If you are on western or traditional medication, it is advisable to keep an interval of 2~4 hours between the consumption of each other. 6. In the event that I miss out 2 to 3 days during the complete course, will its therapeutic results are affected? No. 7. I have the habit of drinking herbal tea, Chinese tea, or green tea. Will it affect my daily consumption of LD~VENUS? No.
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