Total Women Package
Ladies Carnival is around the corner again. It's held on 16 April 2006, this coming Sunday. It would be another great time to purchase this Total Women Package. The whole sets include:-
4 boxes of LD~Esteem
Ladies Carnival is around the corner again. It's held on 16 April 2006, this coming Sunday. It would be another great time to purchase this Total Women Package. The whole sets include:-
4 boxes of LD~Esteem
PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS) "An estimated 70% to 90% of menstruating women experience some form of PMS. These problems are more likely to trouble women in their 20s and 30s."1 MENSTRUAL CRAMPS "Cramps affect 50% to 90% of all menstruating women. Primary dysmenorrhoea (period pain) usually begins within three years after a girl begins menstruating."1 PROBLEMS OF MOTHERHOOD "Many women have, but do not report, physical and emotional disorders after childbirth, some of which are persistent. At present, postnatal care does not adequately address these needs."2 POST-CHILDBIRTH DECLINE "Enlarged hiatus, a loose vagina and... vaginal flatus...may lead them to refuse intercourse."3 MENOPAUSE "In 2002, the main concerns were the fear of hot flashes (60%), appearance and weight problems (44%) - 'a hard time to be gone through'."4 AGEING "(Body) changes can affect your sexual relationships."1 Sources: 1. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research 2. The Lancet 3. Medical Tribune 4. The French Association for the Study of Menopause 5. Are all the mentioned enough to put you off being a women? Perhaps even set you lamenting that it is not fair to the fairer sex? What is worse, these are not the only problems that have to be accommodated by multi-tasking women. Family and work loads pile on women's shoulders even more unforgivingly in the name of modernization. It is evident when more than 35% of the total workforce in Malaysia is female (Malaysia Department of Statistics, 2001). Due to all these responsibilities, it is easy for a woman to neglect her health and general well being. More than 4.5 million women ages 18 to 50 report at least one chronic gynaecological condition each year. It's estimated that 30% to 40% of women have pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and symptoms severe enough to disrupt their daily activities.5 As Malaysian women are now living beyond the age of 70 years (Malaysia Department of Statistics, 1995) and often more than seven years longer than men, it is necessary for them to take the right nutrients so that they not only gain longevity, but also health. A woman's health problems begin from puberty right up to old age, so it is essential that every woman has the best in caring for her body so she is able to live a fuller, active and fulfilled life. Introducing LD-Venus, a convenient and fast-acting nutritional supplement that allows it to be ingested with a minimum of fuss and preparation. Ladies will see benefits as the efficacy of the ingredients brings invigoration and relief for various ailments and conditions.
1. In contrast to other types of healthcare products exclusively formulated for females, what are the distinctive features or advantages of LD~VENUS? LD~VENUS is formulated using purely natural herbs. It has been pharmacologically and clinically proven to be helpful in enriching the blood, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, and preventing the onset of postpartum disorders. Furthermore, this exceptional formulation is safe for long-term consumption without any known side effect. 2. Are regulatory reactions expected in the course of consuming LD~VENUS? How long will the regulatory reactions last, if any? Yes, some regulatory reactions are expected when consuming LD~VENUS, but the extent of which differs from one individual to another. For females with a weak physical constitution, the consumption of LD~VENUS will increase body temperature, which will subside in several days by drinking honey and R.O. water. Those suffering from menstrual pain may feel even more painful, which will however diminish with continual consumption. With the consumption of LD~VENUS, there is not usually any cause for alarm if blood clots are expelled during menstruation. 3. After a course with the attainment of satisfactory results, do I still need to continue with the consumption? You are encouraged to continue with the consumption for the purpose of constant nourishment after each menstrual cycle, enriching the blood, and preserving optimal health. 4. Is LD~VENUS suitable for consumption on a long-term basis? LD~VENUS is absolute good for consumption on a long-term basis. This will not only help restore vitality and enrich the blood, but also contribute to fortifying immune defense as well as attaining facial radiance and rosy complexion. 5. Is there any area needed special attention during the consumption of LD~VENUS? No. For better results, it is recommended that you consume LD~VENUS before having meals and, as for those with sensitive stomach, after meals. If you are on western or traditional medication, it is advisable to keep an interval of 2~4 hours between the consumption of each other. 6. In the event that I miss out 2 to 3 days during the complete course, will its therapeutic results are affected? No. 7. I have the habit of drinking herbal tea, Chinese tea, or green tea. Will it affect my daily consumption of LD~VENUS? No.
Strictly for female consumption only. Expectant mothers and those experiencing their periods should stop consuming LD ~ VENUS temporarily. Advisable to start taking only 2~3 days after the end of each menstrual cycle. Store in a cool, dry place and avoid direct exposure to sunlight. In the face of keen competition of the corporate world, females today are bearing the brunt of stress arising from family, workplace, and the society, making them ever more vulnerable to over fatigue and abnormal physiological changes. As Asian females are inherently conservative and are known to uphold the values of tradition, they tend to overlook the proper care essential to their physiological wellbeing. As the saying goes: "females tend to age faster in the absence of appropriate nourishment". It is only through timely replenishment that a female is able to achieve optimal health and regain facial radiance. In realizing these objectives, LD ~ VENUS is by far the most advanced and user-friendly approach and hence the ideal choice for modern females.
For general healthcare 1) One bottle daily, to be taken before meal. 2) Accompaniment for better health with LD~ESTEEM
LD~VENUS is good for any female who have already experienced her first menstrual period and beyond. As the product is remarkable in enriching the blood and nourishing 'yin' to moisten dryness/ it contributes to alleviating problems relating to a female's premenstrual period, postmenstrual period, irregular menses, menstrual pain, profuse menstrual flow, etc. At the same time, LD~VENUS is also helpful in relieving discomforts caused by menopausal syndrome, the symptoms of which include hot flash, night sweat, insomnia, fatigue, and anxiety.
1. Regulates menstruation
Distresses arising from menstruation are what bother females most. Irregular periods, dysmenorrheal (menstrual pain), menorrhagia (profuse menstrual flow), or hypomenorrhoea (scanty menstrual flow) can result in a female's ability to concentrate apart from causing emotional swings and hot temper, which will adversely affect her relationship with others. LD ~ VENUS is capable of regulating the endocrine system to restore regular periods and relieve problems relating to menstrual pain and profuse leucorrhoea, leaving you mentally alert and confidently at ease during your period.
2. Strengthens muscular and ligament supports
Advancing age, the decline of Female sex hormones, slacking of the ligaments and other support tissues, physiological changes taking place before, during, and after childbirth, as well as an active sex life are the main causes behind prolapsed uterus and slacken vagina. These problems, coupled with vaginal dryness, declining sexual sensitivity, and reduced level of sexual pleasure, will inevitably bring about matrimonial disharmony. LD ~ VENUS is helpful in strengthening the vaginal muscles and contracting the uterus to restore the tightness and sexual gratification that you once enjoyed before bearing children, apart from giving your sex partner a pleasant surprise and renewed satisfaction.
3. Overcomes menopause
Menopause is the transition period before a woman enters old age, and the various discomforts arising from menopause are what each and every woman fear most. With the help of LD ~ VENUS in regulating the endocrine system, you are able to covert menopause into a productive period of regeneration, allowing you to once again enjoy the delight of matrimonial harmony.
4. Improves facial radiance
Notwithstanding the fact that beauty care products for external application are a vital part of your skincare regimen, the lack of inner nourishment and proper regulation will hamper your effort in the prevention of premature aging. LD ~ VENUS is exactly the product formulated to rectify your body system from inside out. It is effective in improving the condition of skin tissue to enhance skin elasticity and luster. At the same time, it also assists in reducing the stretch mark of pregnancy, skin pigmentation problems, dark circles around the eyes, freckles, and pimples to restore your facial radiance oozing with self-confidence.
1. Imparts regulatory and invigorating benefits for women after childbirth - helps contract the vaginal muscles after delivery and enhance uterine contraction.
2. Relieves menstrual pain - regulates the endocrine system to restore normal menstruation and alleviates the conditions of menstrual pain and profuse leucorrhoea.
3. Treats frigidity - elevates physical vigor and increases sexual drive.
4. Improve the condition of skin tissues, giving a more resilient and radiant skin -helps reduce the stripe of pregnancy, skin pigmentation problems, dark circles around the eyes, freckles, and pimples.
5. Subdues menopausal disorders.
1. Formulated through advanced technologies using purely natural herbs, does not contain hormones, and is free from any known side effects.
2. Clinically experimented by reputable hospitals of China with effective rates of 98% and beyond.
3. Awarded "Gold Medal" by the National Medicine and Healthcare Fair of China in 1992.
4. Oral liquid contained in state-of-the-art bottles incorporating hygienic features and elegant design for easy carriage.
5. The most advanced way of consumption that saves time and needs no preparation in nourishing the body and enhancing facial radiance.
6. Smells aromatic and can be ingested with ease.
This product is formulated using natural, top-grade herbs known to be effective in restoring normal condition of the uterus and regulating physiological functions for females after menstruation. Its main ingredients include Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae, Herba Palriniae, Herba Leonuri and Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari.
1. Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui) - 14.8%
Radix Angelicae Sinensis is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a principal medicine that produces leading actions to treat the cause and main symptoms of gynecological and obstetric diseases. It is also excellent in regulating menstrual periods, relieving menstrual pain, and overcoming health problems cropping up before and after childbirth.
• Regulates uterine functions and enhances contraction of the uterus.
• Contracts the uterus to remove blood stasis and alleviates uterine cramps to relieve pain.
• Enriches the blood, strengthens the spleen, improves functions of the circulatory system, and promotes blood flow.
2. Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae (Dang Shen) – 18.5%
• Restores qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach to strengthen the gastrointestinal system, promotes digestive and assimilative functions, and increases metabolic rates.
• Aids in the production of blood - clinical results have shown that Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae is capable of increasing the numbers of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
• Brings down blood pressure- it assists in dilating the blood vessels and subduing the adrenal cortex to effectively reduce blood pressure.
• Expels phlegm and arrests coughing.
3. Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae (Dan Shen) – 10.5%
• Removes blood stasis.
• Relieves pains caused by menstruation, stagnation of lochia after childbirth, and blood stasis.
4. Herba Patriniae (Bai Jiang Cao) – 14.8%
• Expels pathogenic heat and detoxifies the inner environment.
• Reduces inflammation and eliminates pus.
5. Herba Leonuri (Yi Mu Cao) – 14.8%
• Contracts the uterus - enhances contraction of the uterine muscles to arrest bleeding.
• Relieve menstrual pain.
• Improve the condition of abdominal defects (lumps produced by chronic inflammations of accessory organs and other abdominal ailments).
• Improves the condition of nephritic dropsy, promotes diuresis, and expels phlegm.
6. Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari (huang qi) – 18.5%
• Improves the condition of proctoptosis (prolapsed anus), prolapsed uterus, visceroptosis
(splanchnoptosia or slipping down of an internal organ), and abnormal organic hemorrhage (bleeding of organs).
• Invigorates the 'qi'- excites the central nervous system.
• Promotes diuresis and reduces swelling.
LD~VENUS is a natural health supplement. It is formulated based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory coupled with decades of clinical experience in using purely natural herbs as its ingredients. It is exclusively formulated for females to help them achieve regulatory benefits and attain facial radiance through the most advanced approach.
LD~VENUS is originated from Mt. Chang Bai Shan, or the "Home of China's Medical Healthcare". Formulated through Traditional Chinese Medicine using natural, top-grade herbs incorporating state-of-the-art technologies, it has been pharmacologically and clinically proven to be helpful in enriching the blood, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, and preventing the onset of postpartum complications and hemorrhage, in addition to reducing the risk of infections.
According to research results of Xijing Hospital's Obstetrics Research Institute, Xijing Hospital's Examination Department, and the Fourth Military Medical Hospital, LD~VENUS is exceptional in restoring the normal condition of the uterus and regulating physiological functions of females after menstruation, apart from imparting therapeutic benefits in strengthening their physical constitution. It has also been shown that LD~VENUS is remarkably effective in restoring health, attaining an effective rate of 98.4%.
Moreover, as LD~VENUS also contributes to maintaining graceful carriage and good figure, it is becoming keenly sought after by females the world over for the purposes of invigorating their bodies, preserving youthful radiance, and attaining a beautiful life.
1. Adolescence (Puberty): Irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, profuse or scantly menstrual flow, blood clot, leucorrhoea, unpleasant odor, etc.
Menstruation is a normal bodily function of a female marking her physiological maturity. The menstrual flow normally lasts from four to five days with minimal loss of blood and does not cause any pain. In serious cases, dysmenorrhoea or abdominal pain, headache, backache, colicky abdominal cramps, swollen ankles, fatigue, feeling low, irritability, quick temper, or even nausea, vomiting, and pain all over the body may occur during menstruation, which are telltale signs suggesting that she is suffering from physiological or functional problems.
That explains why females generally need constant regulation of menstruation and tonic the blood in order that the threat of blood deficiency can be averted. Major symptoms of blood deficiency in females include pale face, dizziness, weak pauses, cold sweat, exhaustion, irritability, insomnia, dreaminess, numbness in the hands and legs, shortness of breath, etc.
2. Postpartum Period (Puerperium): Slacking of the vagina, prolapsed uterus, stripe of pregnancy, etc.
Almost all females sooner or later go through the stages of bearing a child and giving birth. Pregnancy, childbirth, or miscarriage is likely to lead to a certain extent of pathological and physiological changes, which need to go through a stage of recovery. It is during this critical stage that females have to ensure adequate nutrition and appropriate care.
A woman may suffer from prolapsed uterus after delivery. In the absence of appropriate nourishment and failure to take up restorative exercises after bearing a child, the risk of prolapsed uterus may become higher with increasing number of pregnancy. With advancing age, the decline of female sex hormones (estrogens) as well as taxation of muscles and ligaments also brings about weakening support to the uterus, resulting in a more obvious condition of the prolepses. The vaginas of most women normally do not shrink back to their original shape after childbirth. Besides, women after childbirth also tend to experience slacking and dryness of the vagina, declining sexual sensitivity, loss of sexual pleasure, and the lack of sexual drive, causing matrimonial disharmony and incontinence of urine that will directly affect their daily life.
3. Menopause (Climacterium): Skin aging, loss of skin luster, dryness of the vagina, the lack of sexual drive, etc.
Menopause, the permanent end of a woman's menstrual cycle, is the transition period indicating that she is gradually getting old. The subsequent discomforts and degeneration of physiological functions are the very topic all women concern most. When menopause sets in, the ovary functions begin to degenerate. Besides, the declining female sex hormones in the body also bring about numerous discomforts such as hot flash in the face, night sweat, and insomnia and, in more severe cases, virginities, vaginal irritation, inflammation of the bladder, reduced level of sexual pleasure, mast atrophy (reduction of the breasts), wrinkles appearing on the face, osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis, etc. Failure to nip these problems in the bud will eventually result in untoward tensions in the family. Due to the extended life expectancy of women today, about one third of their lifetime is constituted by that part of their lives after menopause. This fact serves to highlight the significance of healthcare during the menopausal period.
Through the ages, the keenest longing of all females has been none other than staying youthful, attractive and healthy. Driven by advancement in sciences and the progress of civilization, the role of modern females is however no longer limited to being understanding wives and loving mother. Today, they are carrying a considerable weight both at work and in the society as much as they do in their families. These additional burdens have inevitably brought them over fatigue and a great number of physiological disturbances including endocrine disturbances, anemia, listlessness and more.
Due to the biological differences and their bounden duty to bear children, females tend to age faster than males do. Furthermore, the lack of proper nourishment before and after childbirth make them even more vulnerable to postpartum complications, which are likely to be followed by an endless string of gynecological and obstetric diseases.
Menstruation is not only a sign of maturity in a female, but also an indication than she is capable of giving birth. From the day of her first menstrual period or menarche, menstruation has begun to bring her untold passions – happy or angry, sad or joyous. Menstrual disorders, irregular menstrual cycles, leucorrhoea (whites), postpartum imbalance, hysteroptosis or prolapsed uterus, barrenness, hormonal disturbances, menopause, hot flash, pain during intercourse and dryness of the vagina are some nagging problems that trouble females from time to time.
As such, it is imperative for modern females to overcome their inborn weaknesses and make a serious effort in keeping gynecological and obstetric diseases at bay. In this respect, selecting the right healthcare products is the key to preserving optimal health and attaining an appealing appearance.
The wisdom of building your breast is not limited to improving the shape of your breast. In addition, you should also make a conscious effort in elevating their functions, increasing their elasticity, reinforcing their vitality and rectifying wrong postures. The method, treatment, or therapy you adopt should ensure safety and effectiveness in a relaxed and natural manner. However, many females today fail to think carefully before making the right decision. They often pay a hefty sum and even risk their health in exchange for an “improved” size or contour of the breasts, only to regret later when adverse side effects or even permanent damage is sustained after an imperfect treatment or surgery.
The attributes you genuinely want 8 and desire for your breasts are vitality, elasticity, and natural comfort, but all these can only be achieved through normal functions of the endocrine system. As LD~Esteem comes as a gift of Mother Nature offering root cause solutions, it is evidently your perfect choice for improving the condition of your breasts.
The following regimen is recommended to help achieve more rapid results with firmer breasts during the course of consuming LD~Esteem:
1. Always remember to stick out your chest, deflate your stomach and raise your head when you sit, stand and walk to project an attractive, beautiful body shape. 2. Do regular exercises and deep breathing aimed at extending your chest and improving blood circulation in your breasts. 3. Gently massage your breasts and nipples once in the morning and another time in the evening to promote blood circulation and excite the nerve endings. 4. Increase the intake of protein-rich foods such as spirulina, meat, fish, beans, milk, egg, carrot, fruits and vegetables, etc. 5. Wear your brassiere in a proper manner, avoiding too tight or too lose as it may hamper blood circulation. 6. Take off your brassier to relax the breasts before retiring to bed. 7. Do not lie down with your face down and reduce the duration of lying on your side to avoid squeezing against your breasts.Adult: Each time a bottle (30 days per course), 2 times daily (morning and night) Ideal to be taken before meals Accompaniment for better health with LD~Venus : •Before Breakfast - LD~Esteem (one bottle), •Before Lunch - LD~Venus (one bottle) •Before Dinner - LD~Esteem (one bottle) Cautions: 1. Not to be taken by expectant and nursing mothers 2. Stop consumption during menstrual period 3. Store in a cool, dry place. When precipitation appears, shake well before consumption.
1. Attains a more attractively contoured breast
While full and symmetrically balanced breasts are the common dream of all females, LD~Esteem is the solution that makes your dream come true. By nourishing and invigorating the liver and kidneys, LD~Esteem is capable of promoting endocrine activities and the sex glands in the ovary to excite the development of acini of the mammary glands, assists the growth of lactiferous ducts and speeds up the blood circulation in the breasts. In this manner, it ensures nutritional sufficiency of the breasts and hence increases the build up of fats to attain a more attractively contoured breast with 100% safety.
2. Makes the breast firmer, fuller, and more elastic
Despite the fact that size does matter, large breast size alone without firmness and elasticity actually projects an unsightly or distorted figure. LD-Esteem contributes to speeding up the regeneration of the fibrous tissues in the breasts to give a firmer, fuller, and more elastic breast structure.
3. Improves the color tone of the nipples and the areola
Childbirth or endocrine disorders often entail a change in color tone of the nipples and the areola, usually from pink in teenage girls to deep red or even black for women after giving birth. To overcome this problem, LD~Esteem is able to regulate the hormone secretion, therefore improve the color tone of the nipples and the areola, allowing you to once again relish the joys of staying young and attractive.
4. Improves the conditions of skin pigmentation problems
Notwithstanding the fact that LD~Esteem is free from any hormonal content, it produces the favourable effects of female sex hormones. It works wonder in promoting the development of the mammary glands and regulating the endocrine functions to improve the conditions of skin pigmentation problems, menstrual disorders, dryness in the vagina, the loss of interest in sex life, stretch mark and the likes.
LD-Esteem is an oral liquid formulated through advanced technologies using a rich blend
of purely natural herbs including Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, Radix Glycyrrhizae Glabra, Semen Vaccariae Segetalis and Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari.
1. Fructus Ligustri Lucidi (nu zhen zi)
Efficacy: Nourishes "yin", tonifies the kidneys, strengtherns the liver and promotes visual acuity.
Treatment: Helpful for improving the conditions of fuctional deficiency of the liver and kidneys, dizziness, tinnitus, blurring of vision and poliosis (premature hair greying).
2. Semen Vaccariae Segetalis (wang bu liu xing)
Efficacy: Promotes blood circulation, aids menstruation and lactogenesis, assists diuresis, overcomes blood-static, detoxifies the inner environment and relieves carbuncle.
Treatment: Helpful for improving the conditions of insufficient and difficult lactation, menstrual disorders and malignant boil.
3. Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari (huang qi)
Efficacy: Invigorates vital energy to activate "yang", promotes diuresis and relieves oedema, alleviates skin infection and enhances tissue regeneration, strengthens the body, treats profuse sweating and nourishes the spleen.
Treatment: Helpful for improving the conditions of "qi" deficiency, prolapsed uterus, fatigue, exhaustion, puffiness around the eye area and oedema of the face.
4. Radix Glycyrrhizae Glabra (gan cao)
Efficacy: Removes toxins, clears pathogenic heat, nourishes the spleen, replenishes vital energy and promotes diuresis.
Treatment: Helpful for improving the conditions of deficiency of the spleen, stomatitis and inflammation of the mammary glands.
5. Honey
Efficacy: Smoothens the intestinal tract, promotes bowel movements, moistens the lung and detoxifies the inner environment.
Treatment: Helpful for improving the conditions of contipation, dryness of the lung and coughing.
Functions of LD~Esteem
1. Helps in achieving ideal breast size and at the same time maintains firmness, fullness, and elasticity of the breasts.
2. Prevents and improves the conditions of breast laxation, sagging and shrinkage.
3. Builds up and supports the attractive contour and graceful carriage of females.
LD~Esteem is a brownish yellow, mildly aromatic oral liquid. It is formulated through advanced technologies using a rich blend of top-grade Chinese herbs including Fructus Ligustri Lucidi, Semen Vaccariae Segetalis, Radix Glycyrrhizae Glabra and Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari as its ingredients. Exclusively produced by a famous pharmaceutical plant in China, this marvelous formulation stresses on thoroughly enhancing the endocrine functions of females to achieve the objective of increasing breast size and firming up the breast. It is 100% free from any known side effect for safe consumption at almost any time, any place to help attain the intended results without the need of surgical operations.
Through clinical experimentation carried out by Jilin People's Hospital, Changchun Hospital and other equally prominent health institutions, LD~Esteem has clinically achieved effective rate of above 90% and hence has become increasingly popular in the consumer market. LD~Esteem is a remarkable findings derived from the profound studies in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry, offering the root cause solutions to improve the bust-line from inside out, it will be at the cutting edge in the field of breast enhancement.
Special Features Of LD~Esteem
• An all-natural healthcare product that solves female problems from inside out.
• Formulated using top-grade precious herbs and is free from hormones, 100% safe.
• Clinically tested to have achieved effective rate of above 90%.
• Made available in hygienic bottles with elegant design for easy carriage.
• Mildly aromatic and slight sweet in taste.
1. The lack of self-esteem
Breasts are the symbol of femininity and the sign of grace for all females. When a female does not have or no longer possess attributes such as firmness, fullness, and elasticity of breasts, her self-esteem will naturally be eroded, resulting in a stigma and sense of disgrace that keep her away from active social life.
2. Constant fear and stress
More often than not, the dissatisfaction over her body shape and the lack of self-esteem make a female worry that her husband or boyfriend may fall for someone more attractive. In the course of time, this condition unnecessarily develops into mental stress and even emotional swings. She will tend to find fault for nothing, ultimately bringing about strained relations with her loved ones.
3. Physical restraints in dressing
Wanting to look her best is just the natural instincts of every female, and that is why the latest fashions for female attire are changing every day, catering to this crave. It certainly is a great disappointment for a lady if a particular piece of apparel she likes very much does not fit her body shape. And it appears that sexy dresses are only tailored-made to project the graceful carriage of those having attractive figure.
1. Underdevelopment of the breasts
According to statistics, most girls reaching the age of puberty are facing the problem of underdeveloped breasts, which can be attributed to either congenital or acquired factors. Congenital factors include functional disturbances in the parents' endocrine system due to their poor physical constitutions or illnesses, causing the lack of lactogenic hormones in the cells of the female fetus. When the child grows up to puberty, her chest becomes flat as a result of the breasts poor responses to female sex hormones. On the other hand, the root cause of acquired factors can be traced to excessive mental stress, fatigue, diseases, or dietary imbalance during a girl's puberty - the key period between the stage when her breasts start to develop and the stage of their maturity - which brings about impaired functions of the endocrine system and retarded responses of the breasts to female sex hormones. As a result, the growth of breast tissues slows down and the rate of fat accumulation declines, leading to small breast size.
2. Deformation and sagging or the loss of firmness and elasticity
(a) Research shows that as many as 40% of nursing mothers suffer from deformed contours of their breasts. At any time from pregnancy to delivery and followed by breast-feeding, dietary imbalance can cause nutritional disequilibrium and damage to the breasts' fibrous tissues, resulting in shrinkage, laxation, and sagging.
(b) Furthermore, giving birth too early in life, multiple deliveries and miscarriages, menstrual disturbances, and excessive menstrual flow will also lead to inadequacy of the kidneys, causing the breasts to slacken and sag.
(c) The ovary functions of a woman will progressively weaken with advancing age before coming to an eventual halt, while the mammary tissues of her breasts will also shrink slowly. During menopause or after the permanent cessation of her menstruation, the tissues of the mammary glands begin to waste away while the fatty tissues continue to build up. At a later stage, when the acini of mammary glands disappears, the breast size starts to reduce, the skin loses its elasticity, and Cooper's ligaments slacken, resulting in sagging of the breast.
(d) Improper way of putting on the brassiere as well as cup sizes that are either too big or too small can cause the shifting of fatty tissue or sagging of the breasts. Besides, larger than normal breast sizes due to obesity will lead to unbearable strain in the support of muscles and ligaments, resulting in the breasts sagging.
Invariably, females today are putting up a constant endeavor of living life to the fullest. Apart from a good-looking face, graceful body curves are another essential attribute that translates into self-esteem, beauty, and optimal health. It goes without saying that firm, full and healthy breasts are the physical appeals that all females will take pride in. Despite the fact that not all females will make a serious effort to "improve" their look just to please the opposite sex, maintaining an attractively contoured figure is undoubtedly crucial to matrimonial harmony.
Breasts play a vital and active role in a female's life. From the physiological perspective, breasts are not only the symbol of femininity but also the very organ that produces milk. Almost all of the important physiological changes and biological events taking place in a female are closely related to this upper anterior of her chest. Indeed, breasts are both the sign of grace for all ladies and the manifestation of maternal love for nursing mothers. Firm and full breasts are not limited to supplementing the bodily charm of a female. Moreover, they serve to ensure adequate supply of milk after childbirth. All of these are but inherently determined by normal functions of the endocrine system.
Being a female yourself and as breast are both the biological characteristics and pride of females, you should learn to take a very good care of them.
That explains why for a large number of females with flat chests or underdeveloped breasts, as well as those suffering from sagging, shrinkage, and laxation of the breasts after childbirth, skin pigmentation problems due to disorders of the endocrine system; mammoplasty (surgical enlargement of the breasts), physical treatments, external application of hormonal formulations, and the likes have become so irresistible and popularly sought after by them. However, to the dismay of many, the results are usually far from satisfactory. While there are reports of some who were seized with remorse due to various side effects, unfortunate cases of botched surgeries or bungled treatments resulting in permanent removal of the breasts are not uncommon.