The Main Ingredients In LD~Venus
This product is formulated using natural, top-grade herbs known to be effective in restoring normal condition of the uterus and regulating physiological functions for females after menstruation. Its main ingredients include Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae, Herba Palriniae, Herba Leonuri and Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari.
1. Radix Angelicae Sinensis (Dang Gui) - 14.8%
Radix Angelicae Sinensis is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a principal medicine that produces leading actions to treat the cause and main symptoms of gynecological and obstetric diseases. It is also excellent in regulating menstrual periods, relieving menstrual pain, and overcoming health problems cropping up before and after childbirth.
• Regulates uterine functions and enhances contraction of the uterus.
• Contracts the uterus to remove blood stasis and alleviates uterine cramps to relieve pain.
• Enriches the blood, strengthens the spleen, improves functions of the circulatory system, and promotes blood flow.
2. Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae (Dang Shen) – 18.5%
• Restores qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach to strengthen the gastrointestinal system, promotes digestive and assimilative functions, and increases metabolic rates.
• Aids in the production of blood - clinical results have shown that Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae is capable of increasing the numbers of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
• Brings down blood pressure- it assists in dilating the blood vessels and subduing the adrenal cortex to effectively reduce blood pressure.
• Expels phlegm and arrests coughing.
3. Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae (Dan Shen) – 10.5%
• Removes blood stasis.
• Relieves pains caused by menstruation, stagnation of lochia after childbirth, and blood stasis.
4. Herba Patriniae (Bai Jiang Cao) – 14.8%
• Expels pathogenic heat and detoxifies the inner environment.
• Reduces inflammation and eliminates pus.
5. Herba Leonuri (Yi Mu Cao) – 14.8%
• Contracts the uterus - enhances contraction of the uterine muscles to arrest bleeding.
• Relieve menstrual pain.
• Improve the condition of abdominal defects (lumps produced by chronic inflammations of accessory organs and other abdominal ailments).
• Improves the condition of nephritic dropsy, promotes diuresis, and expels phlegm.
6. Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari (huang qi) – 18.5%
• Improves the condition of proctoptosis (prolapsed anus), prolapsed uterus, visceroptosis
(splanchnoptosia or slipping down of an internal organ), and abnormal organic hemorrhage (bleeding of organs).
• Invigorates the 'qi'- excites the central nervous system.
• Promotes diuresis and reduces swelling.
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